Malossi Delta Clutch 5216462
Automatic clutch with variable adjustments
Clutches have friction material without asbestos and with patented adjusting system.
MAXI DELTA CLUCTH allows from 3 to 9 different adjustments simply working on three fixing screws, and from 9 to 27 changing the setting springs and shoes, according to the model of the vehicle. It obtains high r.p.m. at the moment of traction to give excellent initial acceleration.
The perfect operation of this automatic device is fundamental to obtain a good start from standstill, and to exit from tight bends where the speed of the vehicle decreases. The advantages offered by these clutches when compared with the standard ones are huge, even for a road vehicle, because they allow sophisticated tune-ups for a very wide range of engine revs.
Maxi Delta Clutch is marketed with a sport tune-up, coupled with a range of optional accessories that allow a race setting at the highest levels.
Maxi Delta Clutch is adaptable for both competition and city and sporting use: these clutch assemblies were designed by Malossi, who is directly in control of their production, materials choice.
Differents kits of components for the personalised set-up which allow you to increase enormously the Maxi Delta Clutch setting range, are supplied on request.
We all know that clutch behaviour only affects acceleration, and not speed, therefore there are no certification problems for these devices.
This is even more stimulating in creating other novelties to satisfy our customers.
Fit All 150cc